How to Configure Greylisting Settings in WHM?

Are you exhausted by the inundation of spam emails in your inbox? The following article presents Greylisting, a function in WHM that may effectively diminish spam by intentionally delaying questionable emails. Acquire the knowledge to enable and set up Greylisting to enhance email security.

1.  Log in to WHM as the "root" user. 

2.  Use the search bar to find "Greylisting." 

3.  Access the Greylisting Configuration by clicking on the "OFF" button to activate Greylisting. 

4.  Configure your greylisting settings by using the default settings or customizing them. 

5.  Use "Trusted Hosts" to define hosts that you commonly receive email from and do not want Greylisting to affect.

 6.  Navigate to the "Common Mail Providers" section and edit as needed. 

7.  Use the "Reports" tab to view the deferred emails that have been categorized by sender IP address, From Address, and To Address. 

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