How To Check Bandwidth Usage From WHM Panel?

In the Web Host Manager (WHM), you can examine the bandwidth usage of all the hosting websites by following these steps.–

1. Sign in to WHM.

2. Go to the Account Information section and choose the View Bandwidth Usage option.

3. On the next screen, a cPanel accounts list will appear, where you can check the bandwidth usage of all the web pages for the recent month under Xfer (in Megs). You can also check the bandwidth usage information for the other months by selecting the Last Month and Next Month links.

Follow these steps and check the bandwidth usage of the entire VPS in SolusVM

For checking the bandwidth usage of the entire VPS in SolusVM, follow these steps: – 

1. Sign in to the VPS Management portal SolusVM.

2. Under the Bandwidth option, you can check the bandwidth usage of the entire VPS.


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