Know How to Manage CyberPanel Users?

Mastering the art of delegation is a key leadership skill. Consider providing technically adept users hosting on your server with a CyberPanel user account, empowering them to oversee their raw data and databases. 

Granting users the ability to manage CyberPanel users becomes particularly beneficial if they venture into reselling web hosting space, allowing you to concentrate on efficiently managing your Linux server. 

The following sections will guide you on effectively managing CyberPanel users and their permissions.

Create Users in CyberPanel

This segment explains the process of creating admin, reseller, and regular user accounts.

  1. Log in to CyberPanel.

  2. On the left, choose Users > Create New User.

  3. Provide a name, email account, and select an Access Control List (ACL) preset. The default options include admin, reseller, or user.

Create CyberPanel user

  1. Define a reasonable website limit for the user, with the option to modify it later. Note that this variable doesn't impact users with the "user" ACL, as they cannot create CyberPanel-managed websites.

  2. Enter a username and password. It is advisable to maintain the security level as "high."

  3. Click on "Create User."

List CyberPanel Users

To access a list of all CyberPanel users, go to Users > List Users. The table will display:

  • User names

  • Website limit

  • Current disk usage

  • User type

  • Owner (admin user or a reseller)

  • Status (active or inactive)

  • Account suspension/activation, editing, or deletion options


CyberPanel user list

Modify User Settings

As your list of users expands, you may encounter situations where transferring ownership of user accounts to other privileged users becomes necessary. Utilize the "List Users > Edit" button to modify the user account in the following ways:

  • Change the owner to another user

  • Adjust the Access Control List (ACL) between admin, reseller, user, and custom ACLs

Edit CyberPanel User

Changes take effect immediately. 

To modify various user settings, including enabling two-factor authentication (2FA/TFA), go to Users > Modify User, and choose a CyberPanel user from the drop-down menu. Ensure to select "Modify User" at the bottom to save the changes.

Modify CyberPanel User

Change Websites Limit in Reseller Center

The remaining features to modify are the user account owner and website limits. To make changes, go to Users > Reseller Center from the sidebar.

Choose a user from the drop-down menu, then set the new owner and website limit before selecting Save Changes.

CyberPanel Reseller Center

Manage Access Control Lists (ACLs)

The admin, reseller, and user ACLs are non-modifiable and non-deletable. If users require a personalized set of privileges, you can establish custom presets by navigating to Users > Create New ACL.

Enter an ACL name, select the checkboxes for the desired features, and click Create ACL.

Create CyberPanel ACL

Delete ACLs

To remove a custom ACL:

  1. Go to the sidebar and choose Users > Delete ACL.

  2. Pick the ACL from the drop-down list.

  3. Confirm the deletion by selecting "Delete ACL" and confirming with "Are you sure?

Modify ACLs

To edit a custom ACL:

  1. Navigate to the sidebar and click on Users > Modify ACL.

  2. Choose an ACL from the drop-down list.

  3. Make the necessary changes.

  4. At the bottom, click on "Save Changes."

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